Please note we are not a visitor centre. We provide unique experiences, by appointment, for people who want to learn about these beautiful birds and see them up close and personal.
Our experiences take place at select private farms in the Dorking and Godstone area. If you are booked on one of our experiences your confirmation e-mail will contain detailed instructions on how to get to the location of the experience. If the directions do not include a postcode its because a postcode does not always work well.
Do not find an address on any other website, they may be referring to a different location.
NB You should expect rough ground, which can be muddy at times.You should not expect toilet, or any other facilities on site, unless we have told you so in the confirmation e-mail.
For each location we will highlight local cafes and or pubs where you can find refreshments and facilities on the confirmation e-mail.
At the start of each experience there will be a health and safety talk, which is a requirement of our insurance. If you miss this you will not be able to participate but you will be able to spectate the remainder of the experience.